An Introduction to RevOps Strategy
An Introduction to RevOps Strategy

Customers have more choice than ever before, which is why it's so critical to look after them and inspire loyalty within them. Treat them so well at every stage of the journey, that they want to stay and do business with YOU. 

All businesses and organisations are facing external pressures to perform, whether that be increased competition, reduced margin, employee churn (and hey... thanks to COVID we've all got bills to pay), so no business can afford to consistently lose money and resources to issues like broken processes, misalignment and complicated tech stacks. 

One way to improve in these areas that is gaining momentum, is Revenue Operations, more commonly known as RevOps. 

The RevOps framework came about as a strategy to holistically drive revenue growth across a business, by aligning sales, marketing, production and customer service departments. RevOps provides a cohesive approach to optimise processes, consolidate and leverage technology, and foster collaboration — ultimately leading to better business outcomes, i.e. improved operations and more revenue.

Think about a high performing sales team smashing targets but chucking low margin, difficult customers over the fence to delivery and ending up with poor revenue performance, bad NPS scores and unhappy staff and customers. Equally, your production team is not providing valuable feedback about high margin products, the right fit customers, or even new product opportunities. 

It's a vicious cycle but there is an answer. That's RevOps. 

Let’s explore the main pillars that this concept was formed around, the benefits of RevOps Implementation and the common symptoms of a business in dire need of a RevOps solution in this introduction to RevOps. 

3 Pillars of RevOps

The RevOps framework was created around 3 core pillars: Process, Platform and People. These pillars, when optimised and functioning collaboratively, are the lifeblood of all RevOps solutions. 


Working, streamlined processes are the backbone of any successful RevOps strategy. By mapping out and optimising workflows, businesses can see where the bottlenecks are, remove any blockers, and improve the overall customer experience. 

With a customer-centric approach (which is another key aspect of RevOps), RevOps improves process, aims to get rid of silos and enable seamless handoffs between departments, fostering operational excellence.


RevOps thrives on technology platforms and tools designed to support revenue-generating activities. By leveraging automation, data analytics, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems, businesses can gain valuable insights, enhance lead management, and improve sales and marketing alignment. 

The right technology stack not only enables, but also empowers businesses to streamline their operations, increase productivity (massively), and drive revenue growth.


People play a major role in the success of RevOps strategies. Collaboration and cross-functional teamwork are crucial in breaking down the barriers between sales, marketing, and customer success teams. 

By creating a culture of collaboration, organisations can get the most out of the collective expertise of their teams, driving revenue growth through effective communication, shared goals, and a unified customer experience.

Signs that You Need RevOps

People play a major role in the success of RevOps strategies. Collaboration and cross-functional teamwork are crucial in breaking down the barriers between sales, marketing, and customer success teams. 

By creating a culture of collaboration, organisations can get the most out of the collective expertise of their teams, driving revenue growth through effective communication, shared goals, and a unified customer experience.

Over-complicated Tech Stack

If your business is grappling with an overly complex technology stack (too many tools that don’t work together effectively), you probably need to embrace RevOps. Simplifying and streamlining your technology infrastructure can lead to better alignment and improved revenue outcomes.

By eliminating inefficiencies, automating workflows, and implementing scalable systems, businesses can enhance operational agility and lay the foundation for sustainable long-term growth without all the complications of a cluttered tech stack. 

Warring between departments

Conflicts and misalignment between teams has a massive impact on revenue growth. In fact, a study by Aberdeen Group found that companies with strong sales and marketing alignment achieved an average of 20% annual revenue growth, while those with poor alignment experienced a 4% revenue decline.  

If your organisation consistently experiences misalignment and tension between departments, RevOps could be the solution you need. After all, sales can only send marketing so many passive aggressive emails before tension turns to all out war. 

RevOps breaks down departmental silos, fostering alignment and collaboration between sales, marketing, and customer success teams. Teams that share knowledge, align their goals, and implement integrated strategies, can deliver a consistent customer experience far more effectively.

Broken Processes

Stuck with processes that either don't get you there OR take the most difficult route to get you there? If your business is struggling with bottlenecks, silos, inconsistent handoffs, or delays in response time, you have a process problem and would benefit from implementing a RevOps strategy. 

Now, you may be feeling only one of these symptoms and as such, think that your business doesn’t need a RevOps strategy. You’d be wrong. Your business may be doing just fine (for now), but while you sit in the comfort of getting by, key industry players are using RevOps strategies to get ahead. 

Companies that aligned people, processes, and technology across their sales and marketing teams achieved 36% more revenue growth and up to 28% more profitability.

Don’t react with RevOps to catch up to the pack, get proactive with Revops to stay in front instead. 

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We can help you get your people, platforms and processes aligned to kickstart your RevOps journey. 

Our CRM RevOps solution has allowed our clients achieve:

  • A better customer experience

  • Increased sales & service productivity

  • Enhanced collaboration and more!

Get in touch with one of our friendly experts to see if this is the right solution for you! 


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