No code website builder: Is it right for your business?
No code website builder: Is it right for your business?

The process of website development historically involved some pretty intricate coding, and a considerable time investment. However, for those looking for a faster and easier way to create and manage websites, the emergence of 'no-code' websites presents a compelling option in 2024.

In this blog, we delve into the realm of website creation without the need for coding, exploring why it represents the future of web development and how to decide if it aligns with your needs.

Understanding No Code Websites

No-Code website builders offer unparalleled simplicity in building, deploying, and updating online platforms. Unlike traditional methods, where coding experience is a necessity, with no code solutions, you can create robust websites without writing a single line of code. This innovative approach doesn't eliminate code entirely; rather, it uses a visual editor that generates code dynamically as you interact.

Benefits of a No Code Website

More options than ever

While the concept of a no-code website builder isn't exactly groundbreaking, the landscape has evolved significantly. Platforms like Wix, Squarespace, and WordPress have been offering visual editing capabilities that take out the need for coding for more than a minute. However, in the past, these solutions often felt limiting, particularly for users wanting to achieve advanced customisation beyond the basic layouts.

Today, these platforms have undergone major transformations, becoming incredibly robust, flexible, and reliable (with some exceptions). Among these options, HubSpot CMS stands out as a preferred choice. In the past, we used platforms such as Wix and Squarespace to create sites for clients who had short time-frames or tight budgets — although we are HubSpot experts, it was challenging to get the HubSpot CMS in those circumstances. 

However, HubSpot has invested heavily in CMS over the last two years, making it especially useful for entry level businesses. With cutting edge AI build tools and a rich marketplace of templates, HubSpot has quickly become a key player in this space. 

What sets HubSpot CMS apart is its seamless blend of sophistication and simplicity. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools to manage websites for businesses of all sizes, from initial design concepts to full-scale custom development. With HubSpot CMS, basic websites are fast to set up, simple to use, have a number of out the box capabilities built in. As your business and requirements grow, you can upgrade to the next tier to unleash more advanced features without having to completely rebuild your site. 


Faster speed to market

How many times have you had to extend a project's timeline, so that you didn’t compromise the quality of the user experience you were delivering?

With a no-code CMS platform, you can significantly speed up the website creation process compared to traditional methods. By taking out the need to hand-code each line, you can build and launch quality websites in a fraction of the time. You can bring your website to fruition without all the added time, stress and headache.

What’s more, no-code platforms have evolved to offer intuitive interfaces and drag-and-drop functionalities, speeding up the development process even more! This allows you to focus on crafting engaging content and optimising the user experience without getting bogged down in technical complexities.

By leveraging no-code solutions, you not only meet the demand for quick execution but also enhance your ability to deliver outstanding results while maintaining a smooth and efficient workflow.


Cost Effective

When it comes to website development, traditional approaches usually have extensive coding requirements, leading to higher costs associated with maintenance and updates. No-code websites offer a cost-effective alternative by streamlining the development process, reducing your reliance on highly-skilled (and expensive!) developers and by proxy, freeing up valuable resources.

What’s more, the scalability and flexibility of no-code platforms enable businesses to adapt and update their websites as needed without racking up massive additional costs. This means you’re ensuring both short-term and long-term cost-effectiveness and sustainability for your online presence


Enhanced Accessibility

In the traditional website development processes, stakeholders often have specific visions for the website's design and functionality, relying on the IT team to bring these ideas to life. However, this approach can lead to bottlenecks and delays due to the iterative nature of communication and approval processes.

No-code websites address this challenge by fostering collaboration among stakeholders throughout the development process. By providing intuitive tools and visual editors, these platforms empower individuals across the organisation to contribute to the website's creation and refinement — regardless of their experience (or lack thereof) as a developer.

This inclusive approach not only accelerates project timelines, but also ensures that the final product aligns closely with the organisation's goals and objectives. 


Optimises Your Internal Resources

With a no-code CMS platform, businesses can empower team members with varying levels of technical expertise to take charge of website development projects. This democratisation of website creation not only reduces your reliance on external agencies, but also allows businesses to reallocate resources towards other critical areas of operation.

Moreover, the accessibility and user-friendly interfaces of no-code platforms mean that with a small amount of training, even people with minimal coding skills can build and maintain websites. This kind of platform accessibility enables businesses to leverage their existing talent pool most effectively. 


No-code vs traditional websites: How do you choose which one is best?


When deciding between a no-code and traditional website, several key considerations can help guide your decision-making process. Understanding your specific needs and priorities is essential in choosing the most suitable approach for your website development. Here are some factors to consider:

Technical Expertise 

Assess the level of technical expertise available within your team. If you have skilled developers proficient in coding, a traditional website may offer more flexibility for customisation and complex functionalities. However, if your team lacks coding skills, a no-code solution provides a more accessible option for building and maintaining your website.


Consider your timeline for website deployment. No-code platforms typically offer faster development and deployment times, making them ideal for projects with tight deadlines or rapid iterations. Traditional development methods may require more time and resources, especially for intricate designs or specialised features.


Evaluate your budget constraints for website development and maintenance. As previously mentioned, no-code platforms usually have lower upfront costs since they remove the need for extensive coding and specialised developers. However, consider long-term costs and scalability when comparing the total cost of ownership between the two options.

Customisation Needs

Think about the level of customisation required for your website. Traditional development allows for more granular control over design elements and functionalities, making it suitable for complex or highly customised projects. No-code platforms offer a range of pre-built templates and modules, which may be sufficient for simpler websites with standard features. 

What’s great about the HubSpot CMS,  is that even though it’s a no-code set up, it’s building code behind the scenes. This gives the user absolute control to customise the site further immediately or in the future. This kind of control reduces the likelihood of needing to start from scratch when wanting to change or scale your website, it allows you to evolve and extend instead. 


Consider the scalability and future growth of your website. Traditional websites provide more flexibility for scaling and accommodating evolving needs or expansions. If you see significant growth or changes in your future, a traditional approach may offer better long-term scalability. This is because skilled developers can optimise code, implement bespoke solutions, and integrate diverse systems more effectively, accommodating future growth and new business needs with greater precision compared to some no-code platforms.


Low code websites

Additionally, it's worth considering low-code websites, which offer a middle ground between no-code and traditional development. Low-code platforms provide a balance of customisation and ease of use, allowing for faster development with some degree of coding flexibility. They're a good choice for projects that require more customisation than what's available in a no-code platform, but don't require full-scale traditional development.

Ultimately, the choice between no-code, traditional, or low-code website development depends on your specific needs, resources, and objectives. By carefully evaluating these factors and considering your long-term goals, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business requirements and maximises the success of your website project both now and in the future. 

If you want to know more about HubSpot's CMS Hub, click below to chat to one of our friendly team members. 


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